Just Because You Can, Doesn’t Mean You Should

Biting off more than you can chew!

Just because you are approved for a loan for $500,000 (or any other amount) doesn’t mean that you should spend that much.

Let’s walk through this together.

You’ve finally got the home of your dreams, but you had to max out your budget to get it. What might you have to give up to have that home?



college funds


fun family experiences

These all might be on the chopping block... and before you know it you might find yourself in financial bondage.

This house, the one you are in, or the one you are buying is likely NOT your forever home.

Homeownership is a process of stepping stones, each time you get more of what you desire. So hold off on maxing out your home budget and remember all the other financial goals you have.

What's an Encyclopedia?

Who’s interested in a used encyclopedia set?

This girl!

We got these from a friend and when I told Elizabeth they were going to be ours she was intrigued and excited.

What’s an encyclopedia she wondered.

I tried to explain the World Book collection I had as a kid. Remember those?

My favorite book was H for human body. Our set had clear sheets that showed individual body systems. One for circulatory, one for the nervous system, one for respiration, etc. I loved flipping through these clear pages and studying the amazing human body.

I explained to her that before the internet, if you wanted to know about something, you had to look them up in the encyclopedia.

I’m not sure if she believes me.

Anyway, the big day arrived and she spent a good 3 hours pouring over her new books.

Gosh, I love this kid.

Practice Makes Perfect

There’s something so wonderfully endearing in these words penned by my child.

I love the irony, innocence and determination of this sweet message she wrote to herself.

I love that she has the know-how and desire to encourage herself.

I hope that’s something I might’ve taught her along the way.

Interview Your Real Estate Agent

Agent reputation. Does it matter?

I think it does and let me tell you why.

If your agent is unprofessional it could hurt YOU in the long run.

Does your agent have a reputation of honest and transparent dealings?

Are their buyers prequalified and ready to buy?

Are their sellers serious and straightforward?

Has your agent set proper expectations with YOU, their client, so everyone is set up to succeed?

Is your agent easy to work with?

Does your agent return phone calls, text messages, and emails?

All of this can effect YOU when the rubber meets the road because in multiple offer situations, who you work with might make or break the deal.

So how do you know if you are working with a professional? Read reviews online (Zillow is a great resource), ask your friends and neighbors but most of all, interview your agent!

What did you say? Yes, interview your agent!

Any time someone allows us to help them with buying and selling we have in some way or another “got the job”.

It’s okay to talk to multiple agents and then decide who you feel most comfortable working with. True professionals welcome the chance to shine and earn your trust and business.


This morning my youngest climbed in to bed with me for a quick snuggle before school. As I marveled at this perfect human being, I realized how divinely we have been created.

The folded arm of a parent is a perfect pillow for a snuggling child.

The distance between a mother’s shoulder and elbow is perfect for cradling a nursing infant.

The distance between a child’s hip, knee, and ankle is perfect for riding on a father's shoulders.

And a child fits perfectly into the shape of a sleeping parent for the best cuddles.

God made us to need each other. He made us to be together. He made our bodies and minds perfectly paired so that we could coexist with love, support and compassion. Not by chance, but by perfect design.

I am so grateful for my family - they are what matters most.

Magic Number

Hunting for unicorns.

I’m having lots of conversations with both buyers and sellers about pricing these days.

The market is feeling strange right now and I think the level of uncertainty has some of my clients feeling a little off kilter.

But there is no reason for confusion.

Even in a crazy market like this there’s still the “magic number”.

What’s the magic number you might ask? Its the price that yields a number at or above market value in the shortest amount of time.

Sometimes sellers will tell me that they want to price higher because someone out there might “just have to own their home” and will pay over market value.

Buyers will tell me that just maybe there’s a seller out there who would be willing to take a 50% discount off their asking price.

Sounds like hunting for unicorns if you ask me!

Here’s the truth.

The MARKET will determine the value and homes that are priced right will sell very quickly to buyers who are thrilled to be purchasing.

Sounds like a win-win for everyone.

Negotiating Inspection Items

I’m going to tell you a little secret: Negotiating inspection items can be a bit tricky.

Shows like Million Dollar Listing have not helped either. I cannot tell you how many times the agent on TV says, “We will just get the seller at inspection”. Yeah, it doesn’t work that way.

The purpose of the inspection is to reveal items that cannot be seen with the naked eye or issues that only a thorough home inspection would find.

In other words, the giant carpet stain you saw during the showing is not something that should end up on your list of inspection requests.

For the best results stick to health and safety issues.

And remember, it doesn’t hurt to ask for the things that are important to you. The seller cannot “ditch” you because you sent over a list of inspection requests. All they can do is say no.

If you have kept your list to major items that “any reasonable buyer” would find objectionable the seller is probably going to agree with you.

One of my biggest roles in a real estate transaction is helping you through this process whether you are the buyer or the seller.

Check These When Buying A Home

5 things to always check out when buying a home

  1. The roof. Two things here. What’s the condition of the roof and how many layers of shingles. If there are already two layers of shingles you will have to tear off all layers and re-roof. If there is just one layer you can probably re-roof over it.

  2. The septic system or sewer line. It is possible to have a septic issue and not know it, especially if you are buying a home that has been used as a second home.

  3. Latent moisture. Looks like an old leak, and it might be. But there still could be mold behind the wall.

  4. Water quality and quantity. Will you have enough water and is your water drinkable? Not as much of an issue when you have city water but if you are on a well its important to understand quality and quantity.

  5. Radon levels. Radon is an invisible gas that the EPA reports can cause cancer. Its has been around since the beginning of time. Some homes have very high radon levels and while it might not be a concern to you, you will have to address it when you go to sell your home.

If you have questions, hit me up!


A very wise man once told me...

You can’t be mad and skip at the same time.

Guess what?

It’s 100% accurate.

Go ahead give it a try. Next time you are really hot under the collar just start skipping.

I guarantee you not only won’t be mad anymore, you probably will not be able to contain your laughter.

Being Tall Is Now Cool

I was the tall kid.

And it didn’t real phase me until fifth grade.

That’s when I suddenly realized I was taller than most of the boys and nearly all of the girls.

I felt like I stuck out like a sore thumb. I just wanted to be short and tiny like all my friends. I struggled finding jeans that didn’t look like I was wearing capris all the time. I hunched down and tried to hide.

The worst was picture day when we had to line up by height. There was only one boy taller than me. One girl and I constantly argued about who was shorter. Who would stand next to Matt, me or her?

It was humiliating. And so pointless. As if I had control over my height.

My daughters are tall - go figure.

And I have yet to hear any of the negative soundtracks that played in my mind on repeat from them. I’m so grateful, maybe being tall is now cool.

And I love being tall now, though I still struggle finding jeans that are long enough.

Glorious Senses

Our 5 glorious senses.

How rich and vibrant our lives are with the input from our eyes, ears, nose, taste, and touch.

Combine one or more together and you are served up a feast of color, texture, sounds and smells.

When I look at this image I remember the fragrance of the foods, I can taste the olive that just rolled off the platter.

I can remember the sounds of the birds and the wind and I can remember the way the light was shining through the trees.

But what I remember most is the way the tray felt in my hands, it’s texture and weight. I remember my bare feet on the deck and the way the wind would blow against my skin.

Do you have a dominate sense?

The one that cues you in, the one that you rely on in a split second to gather information?

Mine is touch and feeling. I’m super sensitive to my tactile environment.

What about you?

Client Testimonial

I really love my job. I know lots of people feel that way but for me there are so many gratifying aspects of real estate.

And testimonials like this are what keep me coming back on the hard days.

If we have worked together in the past just know that I value our relationship and your trust in me. I am forever grateful.

With gratitude.

Mesa Verde

Bucket list.

It’s hard to believe I have lived in this amazing state my entire life and have never been to this incredible place.

Mesa Verde.

If you find yourself near the Four Corners region this is so worth a visit. We did a tour of Long House with a park ranger and it was fascinating. I had no idea these ancient people were farmers!

Tell me about something on your Bucket List. Maybe something you’ve done or hope to do.

Shopping Cart Theory

Have you read the shopping cart theory?

I will post it in the comments but in summary this is a fascinating observation about human nature.

The idea is that returning your shopping cart is one of the easiest things you can do yet there is no reward for doing so. Nor is there a punishment for not returning your cart.

So what do you think? Is returning the cart important or not?

Have you noticed a difference in the “rate of return” depending on where you are?

What Will You Do If You Win The Lottery?

In January of 2016 the Powerball jackpot got up to $1.59 billon. That’s 12 zeros….

If you are anything like me you might daydream about what you would do with your winnings.

Pay off all of your family members homes.

Go on vacation - like all the time.

Donate to your favorite charities.

Pay it forward and bless complete strangers. Buy an island or a yacht.

And then you hear about the curses of winning the lottery. How good fortune turns to ruin.

But when I really started thinking about it there is only one thing I would really want that the lottery could give me, because truth be told, I love my life and I am blessed.

If money were no object, we would home school our kids and we would travel as much as possible. And the rest? I would give it away to help as many people as I could.

By train, plane and automobile. There is so much of the world I still want to explore.

If you won the Powerball what would you do?

Check These Out When Buying A Home

5 things to always check out when buying a home

  1. The roof. Two things here. What’s the condition of the roof and how many layers of shingles? If there are already two layers of shingles you will have to tear off all layers and re-roof. If there is just one layer you can probably re-roof over it.

  2. The septic system or sewer line. It is possible to have a septic issue and not know it, especially if you are buying a home that has been used as a second home.

  3. Latent moisture. Looks like an old leak, and it might be. But there still could be mold behind the wall.

  4. Water quality and quantity. Will you have enough water and is your water drinkable? Not as much of an issue when you have city water but if you are on a well its important to understand quality and quantity.

  5. Radon levels. Radon is an invisible gas that the EPA reports can cause cancer. Its has been around since the beginning of time. Some homes have very high radon levels and while it might not be a concern to you, you will have to address it when you go to sell your home.

If you have questions, hit me up!

Remembering Mixed Tapes


I found this when I was decluttering the other day.

One of my besties made me this mixed tape in high school.

I tried to explain this to my kids but they just don’t get it! They are still trying to figure out where the tape (think Scotch, painters, duct) fits into the equation.

I love this tape. So many great songs that really bring me back.

Remember the intense labor in making a mixed tape?

You had to plan it out so that you didn’t leave too much at the end but also didn’t cut any of the songs short.

You had to really think about the order of the songs not only for aesthetics but for time.

You had to “tend” to the tape player and not wander off for more than a 2-3 minutes for fear of messing the whole thing up.

But it was so much fun. It was a way we showed our friends how much we care for them. Hand picking songs that were representative of our friendships.

What do we do now that is equivalent to making a mixed tape


You’ve all seen it. American Idol auditions gone bad.

They're cringe-worth at best. I find myself squirming in my seat. It's perplexing, strangely fascinating and downright sad.

The worst part is when the families greet the crestfallen contestant with soothing words of comfort. “Oh, sweetie, those judges don’t know anything. You are the best signer in the world!”

This is the part that drives me insane.

Why lie to these poor people?

They are terrible singers and NEVER should have auditioned for the show.

Telling someone the cold hard truth is sometimes very hard. You don’t want to hurt their feelings, crush their dreams or seem insensitive. But the truth is sometimes the most important thing they need to hear.

A couple of years ago I met with a very nice family who wanted to sell their home and move out of state. The winters were getting tough for them and they were having some health issues.

Selling was a MUST.

I met them at their house and noticed right away this was going to be a tough property to sell. There was stuff everywhere, inside and out. The house was dirty, dark, and falling apart.

They gave me a tour of their home and we sat down to talk. I asked them about their goals and timeline for selling.

They needed to be out of here by September which only gave us 3 months to sell. They were short on time, money and resources to get their home ready for market.

They looked at me with hope in their eyes and asked what was next.

This was the moment for the cold hard truth.

When I first started in real estate I probably would have tried to gloss things over to ease the blow. “No, it's not that bad, buyers can look past your stuff.”

Now I know better.

People hire me for my professional and honest advice.

This family had a tight timeframe and a pressing need to leave the area.

So I told them the truth.

That no one would buy their home in its current condition. And because we were dealing with a very tight timeframe they should consider pricing their home below market value to get it sold quickly. I connected them with contractors for repairs and resources to get rid of the years of accumulated belongings.

I said all of these things with kindness and sincerity, because I very much care about how my words make people feel.

And at the end of our meeting they thanked me for my encouraging words. What??

I didn’t think they sounded encouraging at all, but then I recognized it was the honesty and a thoughtfully laid out game plan that gave them feelings of encouragement.

Sometimes the truth hurts, but I believe if you really care for someone you owe them the truth and nothing but.

With gratitude.

Why I Love My Job

Staple in the finger, and why I love my job.

The other day I had the girls at the office with me. They love getting into all the drawers and cabinets and checking out all of my office supplies. I am not sure why this is so exciting, but I digress.

So I’m on the phone with a client and Elizabeth is playing with my stapler.

All of a sudden I hear a whimper from her. I look up and she’s got what appears to be a staple in her finger.

At first I thought she was just playing around and pretending to have been impaled by a small piece of metal and then I looked at her face.

White and scared.

I stammered into the phone, “I’ve got to go!”.

We then proceeded to carefully remove the staple from her finger, clean it up and phone the doctor to make sure we were current on tetanus shots.

Once the dust had settled I called my client back and apologized for the disruption.

She said it was no problem, being a mother herself.

And that is why I love my job.

Because I have the flexibility and time to care for my family and clients and sometimes those events cross over quite quickly.